What to Expect When Getting New Dentures

May 9, 2022
man with fort pierce dentures

Like everything in life, it’s not always a walk in the park. Take Fort Pierce dentures, for example. Dentures are an excellent tooth replacement solution if you’ve lost several or all of your teeth. However, they can feel a bit odd during the first few weeks. The experience may not be pleasant as your mouth adjusts to your new device. Some complain of difficulty chewing and pronouncing words, while others worry about soreness. One thing we keep telling our patients is that these unpleasant sensations will subside as their mouth gets used to the new dentures. 

Sample of Fort Pierce Dentures

Dentures: What to Expect 

Sore Spots 

Don’t be surprised if your dentist schedules a follow-up checkup after 24 to 48 hours from getting your new dentures. During this time, you may develop sore spots. Make sure you let your dentist know where the sore spots are located.  

It can be tempting to do denture adjustments yourself so that your dentures won’t rub against those spots. However, we highly discourage you from doing so. Only your dentist can adjust your dentures. Attempting DIY adjustments can cause damage to your dental prosthesis. 

Eating With Dentures

Eating with dentures can be difficult at first, so we recommend starting with soft foods like pasta, scrambled eggs, and mashed bananas. You may also cut food into bite-sized pieces to make it easier to chew. Dentists also recommend you chew on both sides of your mouth instead of just using your front teeth.

Model of Fort Pierce Dentures

Are You Excited about Your New Fort Pierce Dentures?

Don’t worry about these inconveniences because after you’ve successfully adjusted to your new dentures, you’ll enjoy a brand-new smile and a significant improvement in oral function! At Ricard Family Dentistry, we aim to provide you with the best possible care with our experienced and skilled dentists! Our treatments are affordable and are customized to fit your needs. Contact us today for an appointment.