How Do Dentists Treat Cavities?
How do you protect yourself against cavities? The best dentist in Fort Pierce recommends that you follow an oral care routine recommended by the American Dental Association (ADA) and visit the dentist regularly.
Cavities or tooth decay are permanent damaged areas that form on your teeth. Several factors contribute to dental caries, such as frequent snacking, oral bacteria, and poor dental hygiene. How do dentists treat cavities?
Cavities Treatment Explained
How Are Cavities Treated?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than half of adolescents aged 12 to 19 have had a cavity. Meanwhile, 90% of adults older than 20 have at least one cavity.
Although cavities are common, the good news is they are treatable. Composite fillings are the most common treatment for cavities. It involves placing the filling into the cavity to restore strength and structure. Composite is the most popular filling material used because of its natural color.
How Can You Prevent Cavities From Forming?
Did you know that you can prevent cavities from destroying your teeth? It will take sacrifice, but if you diligently follow your dentist’s advice, you’ll be spared from tooth pain, decay, and possible tooth loss.
As they say, prevention is better than cure. How can you protect yourself against cavities? It’s important to brush and floss daily, and be mindful of your diet. Lastly, invest in preventive dental care like oral exams, sealants, fluoride treatments, and routine teeth cleanings.
Looking for the Best Dentist in Fort Pierce?
You can protect yourself against cavities by visiting the dentist bi-annually. At Ricard Family Dentistry, we offer affordable, preventive dental care to help improve your smile and boost your oral health. Our team has years of experience and training to provide you with the care you need. Contact us for a consultation.